Koru Environmental Consultants Ltd is a New Zealand owned and operated environmental consultancy specialising in stormwater management, sediment and erosion control, as well as environmental assessments and peer review. Our areas of expertise range from educational courses, to environmental peer reviews, to life cycle costing, and to policy advice and development. We ensure the longevity of our business through repeat referrals, professionalism and excellence.
It is our goal to ensure that all work is of the highest quality. We strive for excellence and innovation, as well as to always deliver projects within timeframes.
It is our belief that people are our most valuable asset.

Our services
A significant portion of our work entails undertaking peer reviews, research and strategy development, stakeholder consultation and consent review. Our core areas of expertise include:
- Water Sensitive Design (WSD).
- Stormwater and environmental technical peer review.
- Stakeholder consultation.
- Stormwater policy advice and development.
- Stormwater and sediment control consent processing and compliance management.
- Asset management and life cycle costing of stormwater management.
- Environmental impact assessments.
- Resource Management Act (RMA) training relating to water services.
- Catchment management planning (preparation and review).
- Stormwater training (in LID and stormwater design).
- Management of industrial discharges.
- Project management.
- Compliance of stormwater management consents and devices.
Our mission
Koru Environmental strives to be a leader in stormwater and environmental management. By exceeding expectations through excellence, we establish trusting & long term relationships.